Half of smart phone users download 0 apps per month if they download they uninstall it within seconds
- Less Expensive: When you develop an app,you need to consider three platforms I phone. Android, Blackberry and cost starts from $20k per platform and for three platforms around $60k and above all after doing all this you cannot make them compatible to eac other. Whereas an responsive website can be done in $10k.

- No need to download:You do not need to download a mobile website or any type of website like apps; just write the website address in your browser and your website will open. It will save your storage space. If you have problem to remind just save the address in your browser history. Interested to lean website designing.

- No need to store: You don’t need to save the mobile websites in your smart phones as you need to do with apps. This not only save your memory, but also increase the performances of your smart phones.

- No cluster: This is a FACT about your life that, if you will see cluster or mess around you, you will behave like that only. At least, responsive websites prevents your smart phones from cluster.

- Easy to manage contents: CMS like wordpress makes people life easy, who do not know the word “PROGRAMMING”. If you want to update contents of an app then you need a android or ios developer, but in responsive websites , with some tricks you can do it with your own skills.We have introduced some special website packages

- Updating is costly: Most of website updating, needs investment on annually basis like if you want to renew your domain, or change the looks and other tasks like testing, compatibility issues, ongoing development are much expensive in apps compare to responsive websites, so we can say its cheap to update responsive websites compare to apps.

- Easy to find:Most of responsive websites are listed in industry-specific directories, so easy to find them online. On the other hand visibility of apps is largely controlled by app stores. For example :
Although, there are some benefits of apps like push notifications, they can work offline, they are more user friendly design, they can sense mobile hardware better. With this article, I am not neglecting the importance of apps, I want to say APPS CANNOT TAKE PLACE OF RESPONSIVE WEBSITES. In fact, apps should be final stage of the online presence of your business. To understand the full website project development cycle
- apppresser.com
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If you are looking to develop your website contact here.
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