
Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I already discuss with you how to start a company, or how to decide target audience for your business. Today we will discuss how we can generate leads for our business. I am sure you all heard about these but if you found something new or want to share something new please do comments in the following comment box.


Yes, Twitter helps you generate business leads as twitter has millions of users worldwide, so you can imagine. There are so many ways to use hashtags, search keywords related to your business, share the links, and use images and videos, in short, do not make your tweets boring make them a bit interesting so the audience gets attracted to them. Along with learning properly how to use Twitter cards or Twitter.


What is an infographic? The information is shown by graphics,. but it's true you have seen so many infographics nowadays, check my previous post where I put infographics of my favorite new year resolutions, it is not only entertaining but also easy to understand. Now how it helps to generate leads. Everyone uses subscription or sign-up forms on their website, try to put as much information as you can put there beside the form and it will become your first infographic. Same if we share infographics on social media platforms they got more likes and shares rather than links or text. Think about yourself how many links do you share today?


Another interesting way to generate leads, webinar means web base seminar, Where an organizer organizes an online presentation and participants can attend his or her presentation through their computer, browser, speaker, and microphone from home only. The only way to get registered participants in a webinar is their email addresses. In this way, an organizer can get easily the email addresses of their niche customers in the form of participants.


Research said 44% of business leads generate by LinkedIn. Everyone knows that LinkedIn is purely dedicated to professionals either for jobs or business rather than other social media platforms. On LinkedIn, you can create your own or can send your posts to other groups. The main thing promotes your products only in your niche group for better results. Along with you can make your connections only with those you fit into your buyer’s profile. And this way you can easily get 500-1000 leads in the week for your business, as we know linked have almost 400 million users registered.

Use advanced technology/apps/tools for marketing

As I mention before, infographics, and webinars there are some apps or websites that also help in your marketing and save you time like email software, that automatically publishes your tweets or posts. Sendblaster is most commonly used for email marketing and HootSuite for automatic publishing.

Answer a question on Quora

From my personal experience, I am telling you Quora is a very reliable source for lead generation. But make sure you are not there to promote your company links or blog links. You should give your honest and detailed answers so that you can get upvotes and people directly connect with you. Again, answers only those questions related to your niche market.

Offer Freebies

Always offer some free software, ebooks, graphic icons, or any type of freebies on your website, which can be downloaded by only getting registered with your website by using the email address. There are other ways like you can embed Facebook likes, Twitter followers, or LinkedIn connections to download your freebies.

Live chats on the website

Live chats are the other way with which you can generate leads for your business, by making starting the chat session with a sign-up form like a subscription form, etc. In this form, you can ask for the name, email address, and interest of the customer to connect you.

These are some ways that can help you to get business leads, along with, last but not least SEO, Newsletters, Email marketing other social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, Interview influencers, Podcasts, Forums, Encouraging happy clients to provide recommendations.

Subscription boxes/landing pages, youtube videos are some other ways that can help you to generate business leads. Also the traditional methods like flyers, word of mouth, and networking events where you exchange your business cards extra.

In the end, business is all over give those services to your customers that they really need. And the key to a successful business is happy clients.

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